Lessons from Steve Barbarich: How to Grow as an Entrepreneur Online?

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Steve Barbarich is an inventor turned entrepreneur. Over the years, he was able to transition from designing different products to selling items online. For those who are aspiring to become an entrepreneur, what can we learn from his experience? How does an entrepreneur grow online?

Focus on your product

As an engineer, Steve Barbarich was hands-on when it comes to developing products sold on his website. He was able to develop products that are useful to his market. So what if you don’t have an engineering background? How do you develop a good product that will be well-received by the market? It’s all about raising your standard for the sake of your market.

A lot of entrepreneurs hire the right people, outsource the product development to experts, and do extensive research when it comes to developing their products. It is all about being serious about what you want to present to your audience.

Create a strategy that will make it easier for your market

One of the things that made Steve Barbarich start his own e-commerce business is the fact that businesses tend to not offer superb after-sales support for customers. Some companies made customers feel like they are being robbed. As a consumer, he saw a pain point. He had an answer to this which made it possible for his company to grow.
Aside from poor after-sales support, Steve Barbarich also noticed that there are products that are substandard since some companies are trying to skimp on materials.

Reviews will help or destroy you

Did you know that majority of consumers tend to do their research before they commit to a product or service? It’s easy to search for scams and bad reviews online. And if you just look at YouTube, there are a lot of channels dedicated to reviewing items.

The good thing about the internet is that it can also help with your reputation. Steve Barbarich understood that by providing good products to your customers, it is easy to get good reviews online.

Social media is also another avenue that can be used by businesses to prosper. It is easy to promote businesses via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even on Reddit. However, keep in mind that it can also backfire. If you don’t focus on your products and your services, it is easy for disgruntled customers to post via social media and make your company look bad.

Help the community

Some entrepreneurs think that helping the community is just an additional cost for their business. In reality, it is now becoming a practice by both small and large companies to help communities. Their reason is to promote their company and to capture the attention of consumers who are particular about corporate social responsibility.

Steve Barbarich is known for helping women who needed to do a mammogram. He also donated money for those who were affected by natural disasters. These are actions that can make a huge difference to the community. But at the end of the day, businesses can also be known as active members of the community and therefore be recognized by potential consumers.