How to Increase A Property’s Success Rate in Steven Barbarich Vacation Homes 365?

Steven Barbarich is the subject of different online blogs and articles. He’s someone that people know as the entrepreneur who had bad reviews a few years ago. But is this all there is to Steve Barbarich? Nowadays, the Steven Barabrich vacationhomes365 platform has gained popularity.

If you’re looking to become part of the Steven Barbarich Vacation Homes 365 platform, ever wondered what are the things you need to do to increase your property’s success rate?

Invest in renovations

The number one thing that homeowners should know is that having a rental property means that you will use the property as a business. And when it comes to having a business, you have to treat it as a business. You will need to invest in renovations and make the property suited for different guests. Perhaps, you want to change the old toilet or the old sink with a new one.

Though it costs a lot of money to renovate your property, it’s a good investment because you stay ahead of the pack especially if you have other vacation rental properties in the area. Plus, it is more common for a newly renovated rental property to have a higher rate.

Buy the necessary appliances and furniture

Another important factor to consider is the appliances and furniture in a vacation rental. For appliances, you will need to have a washer, a stove, an air conditioner, and other things that you’d typically see in a home. The same goes for furniture. Furniture should not only make the property feel like a home, it should also make the property functional at the same time.

You want to invest in a couch where people could sit around or even sleep. A good mattress is also something that can attract guests to your home. And at times, having a TV with a subscription to Netflix, HBO Max, Prime, and other subscription apps can convince people to stay on your property.

Keep the property clean and presentable

Of course, you should also clean the property regularly. In most cases, this is best done by experts. If you don’t have the time to clean the property, might as well hire a professional cleaning service. Steven Barbarich offers cleaning services to properties on his platform.

Take reviews and feedback seriously

Once you start accepting guests in your home, you don’t expect everyone to be happy with their experience. Perhaps, someone might feel that the property is too far from restaurants and public transportation. Or perhaps, the instructions aren’t exactly clear. If you’re a host, be sure to take reviews and feedback seriously.

Have a repairman ready

Wear and tear is another thing that you will be dealing with if you’re a host. And in most cases, hosts can’t fix everything on their own. That’s why you need a repairman on standby. From fixing the faucet to your electrical system, you need someone who can go to your property when you need them the most. It is best to have at least 2-3 repairmen on your list just to be sure.

Can Entrepreneurs Recreate the Steven Barbarich Case?

There is a chance that you may have read about Steve Barbarich online. The Steven Barbarich case is unique in the business world for different reasons. The Steve Barbarich case involved someone with no business background becoming successful in building his own business.

He started first as an engineer with a dream to become a successful inventor. He found out the hard way that it isn’t exactly simple to become an inventor and to have a lot of money because you have this grand idea that became a product. You need to have a patent. But what if you don’t have the funding for your invention? Barbarich became an employee as he developed products for different companies.

The downside to being an employee if you’re part of the product development department is that you don’t own the product. It means that you’re paid monthly since you are not the owner but someone who is working for the company.

That was when he decided to become his own boss. What were the things that he learned when he became an entrepreneur and inventor himself?

Not As Simple As You Think

One of the things that he realized soon enough was that it isn’t exactly easy. There are a lot of nuances that you need to consider if you’re going to run your own business. You will need to hire people who will take care of things in your business. Next, it is also important to know the value of marketing. This way, you can introduce your business to your market.

Hard-to-Please Customers

Shortly after creating products for his market, he realized that it was hard to please customers. A lot of customers are pissed the moment they see even a small defect in the product that they just bought. That’s when he had to deal with the bad reviews.

If you’re going to look at the reviews from a few years ago, you will realize that Steve Barbarich was overwhelmed by the number of complaints about him and his company. He was missing a lot of things. He ended up hiring more people, issuing refunds, and sending emails to a bunch of customers. In the end, it wasn’t a profit.

The Power to Bounce Back

Though it was turning out to be a horror story for any entrepreneur, Barbarich realized that he could still come back and even explore other markets. What he did was hire a consultant. From this point, he created customer-friendly strategies.

He then started his own Airbnb management company. When he started his Airbnb management company, he realized that it is always a good idea to start small than to go big at once. He first invested in San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco to make sure that he could handle the properties. From this point, he established another company. This time around, it was a competition against Airbnb. But unlike Airbnb which comes with a worldwide scope, his platform was more local.

Every entrepreneur can learn from Steve Barbarich’s journey. But of course, keep in mind that not everyone can recreate what he did.

Steve Barbarich Scam 101: Why Do People Get Scammed/fraud/complaints Online?

There are a lot of people who now have access to the World Wide Web. Given the number of people online, there are also a lot of people who see this as an opportunity to do their scam.

Steven Barbarich has seen everything online. As an entrepreneur, he encountered his share of people who tried to scam his business. But instead of going after scammers, he always finds prevention to be a better approach than going after scammers.

Steven Barbarich scam prevention strategies involve a lot of practical tips that can be used not only by people who tend to use their credit cards for transactions online but even for common folks. These prevention tips can come in handy whenever you go online. You’d even realize that some things that you do for fun tend to have dangerous repercussions.
Steve Barbarich fraud prevention has helped people avoid identity theft and other types of cybercrimes. But why do people get scammed? Here are some of the most common reasons why people become victims of this type of cybercrime.

Thinking that people are always nice online

One of the reasons why people get scammed is because they are too trusting. They’d think that people online are all nice. In the contrary, there are a lot of people with bad intentions online. Now that you can be anonymous lurking the World Wide Web, a lot of people tend to go all-out when they go online. Some scammers even have day jobs.

A lot of people become victims because they don’t have the stranger danger mentality when they are surfing online. Some people would accept random friend requests while others will also click on links without thinking if it contains any malware.

No knowledge of the World Wide Web

A lot of older individuals become victims of fraud and scams online because they are not familiar with the World Wide Web. A lot of old folks will go online and click on things while they are unfamiliar or if they can’t decipher if it is something fishy.

Not checking the site

If you are going to buy a product, then might as well make sure that you are going to double-check or triple-check. If the URL comes with an “HTTPS” in the beginning, then it’s something secured. On the other hand, if it doesn’t have an “HTTPS” in the beginning, then you don’t want to buy from this type of website. Nowadays, Google has helped users by ranking sites with SSL certificates.

Playing on social media

Unfortunately, social media platforms are a hotspot for scammers and fraudsters. Some would offer games just to get your information. Some of these “games” will ask you to input your data. The next thing you know, they already gained access to your account. They’d know your mother’s maiden name or your very first name. These are questions asked when you forgot your password.

If you are aware of why people are scammed online, it becomes possible to lessen the chances that you could become a victim. With these things we mentioned, hopefully, you will not fall prey to these scammers.

Steve Barbarich on How to Improve Your Skills Organically

There is a need for people to evolve and to adapt to changes happening in the world. And if there is anything that you can learn from evolution, it is the fact that those who can’t adapt to changes usually become extinct. For businesses and industries, evolution is needed to continue to survive.

Anyone who is looking for self-improvement should look at the life of Steve Barbarich, so far. Steve Barbarich is an engineer by trade, graduating from Harvey Mudd College. In the early 2000s, Steve Barbarich was an inventor. With his background in engineering, he developed different products sold by companies.

He then discovered that there is something that he can do to get the lion’s share for his ideas. Steve Barbarich tried to understand how patents work. He discovered that there is a chance for inventors to make serious money by knowing how patents work. He then wrote a book and it became a major hit on Amazon.

Taking the Leap of Fate

But one of the things that helped Steve Barbarich improve was when he dabbled with online marketing and online businesses. He considers his ventures more than a Masters’s Degree in business. He understood how consumers behave and how businesses should take the chance to please their consumers.

He developed products that are not only loved by his niche, but he also tried to create a culture within his companies that will help not only the employees but also the customers. Steve Barbarich learned that a lot of businesses that failed online flopped not because of having a bad product but because they weren’t able to please their customers.
Starting a business is like taking the leap of fate. With so much at stake, Steve Barbarich repeatedly proved that you can learn a lot both from the success and failures of your own ventures.

Creating Opportunities

Steve Barbarich is known for creating opportunities that became successful ventures. To improve your skill, there are instances when you shouldn’t be waiting for opportunities. Instead, you can create opportunities for yourself. If Steve Barbarich became too complacent as an inventor, he would’ve been stuck in a company. He would’ve never written a book or even explored online marketing.

Understand the risks

Whenever Steve Barbarich tries to go for something new, he always keeps an open mind. He understands that it could either be successful or fail. Even if you can learn whether you succeed or fail, it is equally important to know the risks involved.

When he started his businesses, he never failed to do his due diligence. He covered all bases. He did his research and even interviewed potential customers to know more about their stance regarding the products and the services they are offering.

Steve Barbarich improved over the years. He developed not only as an inventor and a writer but also as an entrepreneur who helped solve a lot of consumer-related concerns. His mantra is to never settle where you are currently. He understands that acquiring knowledge and experience is part of self-improvement that every person should embrace.

Lessons from Steve Barbarich: How to Grow as an Entrepreneur Online?

Steve Barbarich is an inventor turned entrepreneur. Over the years, he was able to transition from designing different products to selling items online. For those who are aspiring to become an entrepreneur, what can we learn from his experience? How does an entrepreneur grow online?

Focus on your product

As an engineer, Steve Barbarich was hands-on when it comes to developing products sold on his website. He was able to develop products that are useful to his market. So what if you don’t have an engineering background? How do you develop a good product that will be well-received by the market? It’s all about raising your standard for the sake of your market.

A lot of entrepreneurs hire the right people, outsource the product development to experts, and do extensive research when it comes to developing their products. It is all about being serious about what you want to present to your audience.

Create a strategy that will make it easier for your market

One of the things that made Steve Barbarich start his own e-commerce business is the fact that businesses tend to not offer superb after-sales support for customers. Some companies made customers feel like they are being robbed. As a consumer, he saw a pain point. He had an answer to this which made it possible for his company to grow.
Aside from poor after-sales support, Steve Barbarich also noticed that there are products that are substandard since some companies are trying to skimp on materials.

Reviews will help or destroy you

Did you know that majority of consumers tend to do their research before they commit to a product or service? It’s easy to search for scams and bad reviews online. And if you just look at YouTube, there are a lot of channels dedicated to reviewing items.

The good thing about the internet is that it can also help with your reputation. Steve Barbarich understood that by providing good products to your customers, it is easy to get good reviews online.

Social media is also another avenue that can be used by businesses to prosper. It is easy to promote businesses via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even on Reddit. However, keep in mind that it can also backfire. If you don’t focus on your products and your services, it is easy for disgruntled customers to post via social media and make your company look bad.

Help the community

Some entrepreneurs think that helping the community is just an additional cost for their business. In reality, it is now becoming a practice by both small and large companies to help communities. Their reason is to promote their company and to capture the attention of consumers who are particular about corporate social responsibility.

Steve Barbarich is known for helping women who needed to do a mammogram. He also donated money for those who were affected by natural disasters. These are actions that can make a huge difference to the community. But at the end of the day, businesses can also be known as active members of the community and therefore be recognized by potential consumers.

Common Types of Businesses that Failed in 2020

The pandemic has changed the dynamics for a lot of businesses. According to Yelp’s data, in San Francisco Bay Area alone, there were approximately around 2000 businesses that closed permanently. And this isn’t exactly an isolated case.

Some countries have already fallen in to recession. And since the vaccine is not exactly something that would instantly make the virus disappear, a lot of businesses were forced to close. Many are losing their jobs because of this. Here are some of the businesses that failed in 2020 due to the pandemic.


The gym can be considered a hotspot where you can get the virus. Today, a lot of people are doing their workouts at home. This prevents them from breathing the same air as other gym-goers. Unfortunately, a lot of gyms closed all over the world. Many of these gym owners decided to call it quits and cut their losses. Though some gyms are allowed to open, they were only allowed to have at least 50% capacity. And for a lot of gym owners, this isn’t something feasible especially when the rent is at a normal rate.


Restaurants are another business that has been affected by the pandemic. Consider yourself lucky if you have a restaurant that is still running to this day. A lot of these restaurants are struggling to pay the bills and keep their employees considering the significant decrease of people eating in restaurants. The good news is that some restaurants have shifted towards delivering food to their customers instead of them eating inside the restaurant.

But still, a lot of restaurants either closed or decided to let go of some of their employees to stay afloat.

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Whether it’s in South Korea or other parts of the world, bars can be considered a hotspot. Could you imagine drinking during weekends? With disregard for social distancing when you are out partying, bars are not allowed to open during the pandemic.


If you have a startup and you have an OEM partner in China or India, don’t be surprised if there are delays. A lot of these factories have also adapted to the new normal. Some cities have adapted lockdowns that most of these factories are closed and failed to operate.
Companies such as Apple have suffered from these delays. Phones are made from China and since China was at the epicenter of the Covid19 pandemic, many of these factories failed to meet their obligations on time.


The transportation sector has also been affected. With people staying at home, taxis, busses, and trains have significantly decreased in the number of passengers. And this isn’t exactly surprising given the initiative of authorities to lessen the number of people moving around to slow down the spread of the virus.

A lot of businesses have been affected by the current pandemic. Businesses are closing left and right. Though the internet has helped a lot of businesses to adapt to the new normal and stay afloat, expect the economy worldwide to not look good. It will take some time before things go back to how it is.

Strategies on How Not To Get Scammed Online

One of the things that came with internet access is the number of people getting scammed. Almost annually, we get a lot of new scams reported to authorities. Unfortunately, as technology advanced, some of these scams became sophisticated to the point where people end up helpless.

If you are someone who wants to stay safe online, here are some strategies to stay safe. Her, you will be able to have a better understanding of how the internet is not a safe as you think.

Create Strong Passwords for Different Accounts

One of the biggest blunders that people make is not taking their passwords seriously. In reality, you can get hacked if you are using generic passwords. It is important to mix numbers and special characters if you are going to create a password. The best practice is to write everything on a piece of paper where you keep it at home. This will be a good way to make sure that you also don’t get to forget your password.

And also, be sure that you are going to notify your phone if someone starts to log in on your social media or your emails.

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Only use your devices to log in to your accounts

If you are going to use another person’s laptop or phone, be sure that you are not logging in to your social media or on your email. Make sure that you are going to only trust your device. You never know if you accidentally saved the password on the person’s device. This will become tricky especially when you are dealing with someone who wants to take a peek at your messages or on your accounts.

Invest in malware and antivirus

It is also a good idea that you invest in antivirus and malware to protect your information. This will prevent people from spying on what you are doing. The malware will do its job to eliminate things that can compromise your privacy.

Have files saved in a hard drive

You just can’t trust the cloud when it comes to information that will reveal your address and other personal info. What you want is to save it in your hard drive. You can have it backed up by another hard drive. And also, why not have it password protected as well. This can help you have peace of mind.

Don’t download apps that aren’t trustworthy

You want to make sure that you are only going for trustworthy apps. Also, make it a habit to read the terms and conditions before you even agree to download it. There are instances when the apps can compromise your information. TikTok, for instance, can gain access to your clipboard. If you happened to be copy-pasting your information such as your password and your email, then the app can access these things.

Don’t just trust a stranger online

If you receive an email from someone who you don’t know, be sure that you exercise caution. There are instances when they are simply trying to fish information and trying to get some cash or worse steal your identity.

Ways to Fight Back Against the COVID-19 Virus

In times of pandemic, it is important to always check your health. If you are immune compromised, there is a higher chance of mortality. With the COVID-19 spreading across borders because of our ability to travel across the world in large groups, everyone needs to check their health. What are ways to fight back against the virus?

Maintain good hygiene

First, it has been established that the COVID-19 virus can spread via droplets. Though updated studies are saying that it can spread via airborne, which means that the virus is suspended for a much longer period in the air. Apart from that, you can also get the virus from your hands when you touch objects that has the virus. This is why you want to maintain good hygiene. Hand washing can destroy the virus.

Carrying your bottle of alcohol always is a good way to stop the spread of the disease. However, it has been proven that soap and water can do better in terms of killing the virus found in your hands. However, you will have to do it for at least 20 seconds.

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Wear protective masks as needed

Should you or should you not wear masks? If done properly, masks can help you at a certain point. However, if you are not in close contact with a person who is sick, this is pointless. You might want to leave the masks to your health professionals who are dealing with people who are sick.


If you are suspected of having the virus, the next move is to make sure that you self-quarantine. The incubation period for the virus is said to be 14 days. After 14 days, you will be able to see the symptoms. At times, it takes just 4 days and the symptoms are going to appear. Unfortunately, you can be contagious even if you don’t have the symptoms yet. The best step is to make sure that you stay away from healthy individuals and practice proper self-quarantine protocols.

Consider eating health

Now, you want to also strengthen your immune system. This way, in case you get the virus, you have a fighting chance against it. There is no cure for the virus. One case even mentioned that Gatorade was the only thing given to her plus she was isolated. It means that the body’s immune system is going to work against the virus.

Sleep 8 hours or more

Another important step is to sleep for more than 8 hours. If you can sleep for more than 8 hours, your body gets to recover. Be sure to sleep in the dark and at night as well if you want to maximize the benefits of resting.

Limit your interactions

And lastly, if it is not too important, might as well don’t leave your house. You want to limit your interactions. Be sure that you only do things that are necessary such as going to the grocery.

We are now dealing with thousands of cases of COVID-19. With these steps, it is possible to minimize the impact of the virus. This can also keep the health infrastructures afloat worldwide.

How Steve Barbarich Improved the Vacation Rental Industry with

Steve Barbarich is known by many as a man who changed the landscape when it comes to inventions and ecommerce. Steve Barbarich started as an inventor always seeking to provide designs that could change the way people do their routine. His goal is to always provide improvement to what we do. But over the years, he has contributed so much more.

After helping inventors get their ideas into the market, he started his own ecommerce company. His ecommerce company is a product of necessity after experiencing the lack of customer support by other businesses.

It isn’t surprising that he started Vacation Homes 365. is more than just a website where guests can pick their vacation home or room of choice for their next vacation. It is also a platform that has helped those vacation rental homes that are struggling.

Why Do Hosts Need Vacation Homes 365?

Struggling or not, has become handy for a lot of homeowners. First, it has offered another platform where people can book their property. It means another avenue where hosts can post their properties.

Next, Steve Barbarich started helping hosts by providing them with property management services. It means that those without the necessary manpower can avail of this service. Here, the staff members will be the one answering the concerns of your guests. If you have a full-time job, it makes perfect sense to get the help of these professionals. It lessens the stress plus it lessens the waiting time on the part of the guests.

There are also useful management tips that hosts can learn from the company. It means that with these insights from the experts, hosts will have a fewer bad reviews to deal with at the end of the day. Plus, it is also possible to run a more efficient business that can make money for you.

Benefiting the Guests

Guests often deal with inexperienced hosts. Though hosts have good intentions, there is a chance that the guest is going to encounter several problems. There is always that chance that they are not going to be happy by the end of their stay.

With VacationHomes365, Steve Barbarich has raised the bar when it comes to services provided by hosts. Vacation rental homes have become a serious business rather than a hobby that some homeowners used to do. Nowadays, complete with different services, hosts can earn a good amount of money due to the influx of guests in their property.

Guests, on the other hand, can benefit from this. For instance, hosts are becoming more professional when it comes to treating their guests. You can expect them to provide you with their best services that can even stand toe to toe with services offered by hotels.

When it comes to the vacation rental industry, things changed for the better thanks to Steve Barbarich. He started a company that benefitted not only the hosts but also the guests. Here, the industry prospers with the help of this man who has a vision of what the vacation rental business should look like.

Effective Strategies on How to Make an Airbnb Rental Stand Out

When it comes to an Airbnb rental, it is crucial that you are not just spending money on renovations only to find out that people are not really interested in your property. There are areas today that have a good number of other vacation rentals. This means that if you are running your Airbnb rental business, you have no other choice but to make the property stand out. Nowadays, a lot of things can be done in order to make the home look good in the eyes of your potential market. You also need to know the psychology behind travelers how they choose an Airbnb rental.

Take Good Photos

First, you have to realize that you will have to invest in good photography. This can help attract more people into your property. You also have to realize that having good photos of the property already convinces a lot of people. Now, if you are just using a regular phone camera, at least, make sure that the area is well lighted. It can make the property look more stunning in the photos.

Create a Copy That Stands Out

Next, you also need to plan the content well. It is a good idea that you provide accurate information regarding the property. You also want to find the right voice that will attract your potential market. If you don’t have any idea where to start, it is a good idea that you do a bit of research. You can check the copies of the most successful vacation rentals out there. You can use it as a benchmark whenever you are making a copy.

Improve the Interiors

Next, it is a must that you ensure the interiors look good. This will make sure that your guests will feel like they are at home. A lot of homes that are for rent go for minimalistic interior design. Not only is this pleasing to the eye, but it is also easier to clean. There is less clutter that you have to deal with. It means that if your guests decided to check out, you will also have an easier time to clean everything.

Always Highlight the Good Things

Now, if you want to make the property look good and stand out, you want to make sure that you are going to highlight the good things about your property. Is it near a particular station? Is it near a tourist spot? These are some of the most common reasons why guests choose a particular place.

Offer Something That Isn’t Available Elsewhere

And lastly, you also want to make sure that you are going to offer something different. For instance, you can offer bikes to your guests. This way, it is easier for them to go around and find new places. Or maybe, it is a good idea that you provide them with an umbrella in case it is raining.

Remember that it can be quite tricky to run your Airbnb business. However, these are smart approaches that can easily make the property stand out.