Was Steve Barbarich Running a Scam?

For travelers and hosts in San Diego, San Francisco, and LA, Steve Barbarich is a guy who is known for his platform and his Airbnb management company.

Over the years, he accepted expanded his clients, allowing homeowners to maximize their earning potential. Whether you want to have short-term renters as you travel for months, or you want to have a passive source of income with your real estate, Barbarich has helped countless hosts.

But before the Steve Barbarich San Diego Airbnb management firm, he encountered problems with his business. There were accusations that he was running a scam. And given the number of bad reviews about his company and products, new customers would’ve thought it was the case. But was Barbarich scamming people?

In reality, he wasn’t. It’s important to know how he started if you want to know why it wasn’t exactly a scam.

Engineer and Inventor

When he graduated from Harvey Mudd College, he ended up working for different companies. He was part of the product development team wherein he made use of his craftiness in creating different products for the company he worked for.

After a year working for the company, he realized that he could get rich even with just one invention if he owned the invention. He started studying how patents work. He also started his projects during the weekends and when he was confident enough to start his company, he took a loan.

Imagine starting your own business with zero background or experience in business. And then, that’s when his problem started. Negative reviews became common on his products. And with minimal to zero customer care, it went downhill from there.

Calling the Pros

When the problems started to escalate, that’s when he decided to call the different experts. Senior engineers first assessed his products. They determined what the fuzz was about. They learned that a lot of the products sold had flaws. That’s when they advised that he should refund customers or process replacement of the products that they bought. The engineers also helped Barbarich redesign the products he sold to the market.

Even if he was spending more than his budget, this move was good for Barbarich for several reasons. It helped his business stay afloat because the customers learned that he was willing to learn from his mistakes.

Improving his online presence

After that, he improved his online presence. He understood that how you are marketed online can affect the overall perception of your customers. Here, not only did he hire a team that improved his marketing strategy, but he also hired people who were more knowledgeable about social media marketing and SEO.

In case you are wondering how Barbarich is doing nowadays, he managed to come up with different businesses after his first attempt. Today, he is known for having an Airbnb management firm wherein he helped different property owners make their short-term rentals profitable. In addition to this, he now has a platform of his own. While he didn’t have a flawless record as an entrepreneur, this was a good move for him.