In times of pandemic, it is important to always check your health. If you are immune compromised, there is a higher chance of mortality. With the COVID-19 spreading across borders because of our ability to travel across the world in large groups, everyone needs to check their health. What are ways to fight back against the virus?
Maintain good hygiene
First, it has been established that the COVID-19 virus can spread via droplets. Though updated studies are saying that it can spread via airborne, which means that the virus is suspended for a much longer period in the air. Apart from that, you can also get the virus from your hands when you touch objects that has the virus. This is why you want to maintain good hygiene. Hand washing can destroy the virus.
Carrying your bottle of alcohol always is a good way to stop the spread of the disease. However, it has been proven that soap and water can do better in terms of killing the virus found in your hands. However, you will have to do it for at least 20 seconds.

Wear protective masks as needed
Should you or should you not wear masks? If done properly, masks can help you at a certain point. However, if you are not in close contact with a person who is sick, this is pointless. You might want to leave the masks to your health professionals who are dealing with people who are sick.
If you are suspected of having the virus, the next move is to make sure that you self-quarantine. The incubation period for the virus is said to be 14 days. After 14 days, you will be able to see the symptoms. At times, it takes just 4 days and the symptoms are going to appear. Unfortunately, you can be contagious even if you don’t have the symptoms yet. The best step is to make sure that you stay away from healthy individuals and practice proper self-quarantine protocols.
Consider eating health
Now, you want to also strengthen your immune system. This way, in case you get the virus, you have a fighting chance against it. There is no cure for the virus. One case even mentioned that Gatorade was the only thing given to her plus she was isolated. It means that the body’s immune system is going to work against the virus.
Sleep 8 hours or more
Another important step is to sleep for more than 8 hours. If you can sleep for more than 8 hours, your body gets to recover. Be sure to sleep in the dark and at night as well if you want to maximize the benefits of resting.
Limit your interactions
And lastly, if it is not too important, might as well don’t leave your house. You want to limit your interactions. Be sure that you only do things that are necessary such as going to the grocery.
We are now dealing with thousands of cases of COVID-19. With these steps, it is possible to minimize the impact of the virus. This can also keep the health infrastructures afloat worldwide.